Variable Settings panel:
General Settings
The name of a variable is the underlying code, used for tagging purposes throughout the document. An alternative display name can be entered, which is the label shown to the end user in the variable Input Form. It is not recommend to use special characters (example single quote ') in variable names since it can cause error on some webservice functions.You can use special characters in display names instead.
Depending on the type of the variable, more "Type Specific" settings might be possible.
Short and Long Text
Short and long text allow you to limit the amount of characters (0 being an unlimited amount), and optionally show the status of that count inside the Input Form.
Next to the height of the input form and the text direction (similar to long text), you can also specify which formatting options are available in the input form.
The basic selection option for an Image Variable is through a popup. These popups can be configured similarly to the normal CHILI Panels for the source, by clicking the "Popup Properties" button.
Entry of the directory (or reference to a variable which will hold the directory path, and which can therefore also be manipulated easily through Document Actions)
Possibility to allow the user to upload new images to the specified directory
Possibility to have the user ONLY upload new images. No other selection method is available in that case
When working with a numeric input, various options are available to limit entry and configure the display value of the number in the document.