With Image Conversion Profiles you can specify a profile by which images are to be transformed. They can be used to do some (limited) optimization of PDF output (but mostly for low res files), but the main purpose is to provide image output for documents and assets, used for:

See Extracting Preview Images for an overview on how to call Image Conversion Profiles using the API.





Name of the Profile.

File type

Specified the file type that must be exported (PNG or JPG)

Scaling (None)

By choosing this option the image will not be scaled and converted at full size.

Scaling (Exact)

The image will be scaled to fit inside (adjust proportionally centered) the exact dimensions specified for this options NxN px. The space left unfilled with the image must be filled in with the Padding Color Specified. The result will be an image with the exact dimensions specified in the setting NxN px.

Scaling (Fit Inside)

By choosing this, the width and height of the image is reduced proportionally so that the image fits inside the given size NxN px. No padding will be added and the final size of the image will be a proportional scaling of the original.

Scaling (Fit Outside)

By choosing this, the width and height of the image is reduced proportionally so that the image fits outside the given size NxN px. No padding will be added and the final size of the image will be a proportional scaling of the original.

Background Color

The image canvas that was left blank by the image scaling will be filled with the specified color or be transparent.

Transparency is only available with PNG image type, and available since version 6.6.

Background Color

When “Color” is chose, or .jpg, you can pick a color for the background.

Width & Height

Width and height in pixels of the resampled image

Output resolution

The image will be resampled to the specified ppi.

Jpeg quality*

The image will be adjusted to the quality specified in this option.

*Only when .jpg is chosen as file type

Color profile

The image will be converted to the selected color profile.

Processing URL

Will redirect to the specified URL while processing the image.

Error URL

Will redirect to the specified URL if an error occurred.

In the PDF export settings you can define an image conversion profile in the dropdown.


For the image conversion CHILI publisher relies on functionality of Ghostscript. Issues with the functionalities of Ghostscript are beyond our responsibility.
It is highly recommended to verify your configuration before using it in a production environment. 

For the functions above to work properly, you will need CHILI publisher 6.6, and have Ghostscript 10 installed. Read more on how to upgrade.