There are 2 types of restrictions:
Not supported
Not necessary
In a perfect world, all elements from the source file are converted to CHILI publisher. However, due to the different nature of both apps, not all elements and features are supported in the conversion.
In most cases there will be a workaround. Elements that cannot be converted, can be saved on a non-editable layer, and converted as a placed “asset” in the target file.
The maximum quality of the asset will be kept in tact. If the placed asset is a pixel-image, the maximum resolution will be kept. If the asset consists of vector elements, the vector data will be kept in the placed assed.
The output generated through CHILI published, will use the same source data, as the original element.
[need diagram here, with several elements]
Next to unsupported features, there are also limits to the concept. You are about to convert a document used in a Desktop app, to a web-application. What works in an app on a powerful Desktop computer, might not work in a browser (of your end-user)
Imagine a background consisting of several vector elements. If that background will not be editable in the file for the end-user, we don’t need all individual elements.
You can mark this layer, and save it as a placed asset. The elements will maintain their vector data. But CHILI publisher will handle the asset as such, and take less computing power of your end-user’s browser.