Information Classification: External Restricted.
Document Object Model - Font
A font available for text editing in the document. The font is downloaded by the editor in a closed swf format, so it cannot be used by the user outside of the Editor environment. Compilation is done automatically by the CHILI server.
Available fonts are managed in the 'Fonts' Resource through the BackOffice.
CHILI Publisher supports otf and ttf fonts (both being supported on Windows, where the CHILI server creates PDF files)
Name |
Type |
Triggers |
Description |
family |
string |
Font family name |
style |
string |
Font Style name |
swfURL |
string |
Download URL for font SWF (compiled) data. This is filled by the editor for display/debugging purposes. Setting this property has no effect |
Inherits from
> DocumentBase
> DocumentListItemBase
> DocumentListItemSelectableBase
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