Information Classification: External Restricted.
Document Object Model - ImageFrame
A frame containing an asset (jpg, tif, pdf, ...)
Name |
Type |
Triggers |
Description |
metaData |
Placed image metadata |
clippingPath |
Image's clipping path |
boxes |
Possible image boxes |
pageNum |
int |
Placed page numer |
numPages |
int |
Pages available in placed asset |
variable |
Bound image variable |
hasClippingPath |
bool |
Returns true if the image has a clipping path applied |
box |
Applied image box |
boxLeft |
bool |
Box left |
boxRight |
bool |
Box right |
boxTop |
bool |
Box Top |
boxBottom |
bool |
Box bottom |
hasContent |
bool |
Returns true if an image is loaded |
path |
string |
Asset path |
previewURL |
string |
Preview URL (set by editor for debugging/reporting. Modifying this property has no effect) |
realWidthPixels |
int |
Real width of the placed asset (regardless of scaling in frame), in pixels |
realHeightPixels |
int |
Real height of the placed asset (regardless of scaling in frame), in pixels |
realResolution |
number |
Real resolution of the placed asset (regardless of scaling in frame) |
realWidth |
number |
Real width of the placed asset (regardless of scaling in frame) |
realHeight |
number |
Real height of the placed asset (regardless of scaling in frame) |
fitMode |
Fit mode |
fitPoint |
Fit point, when applicable for the fit mode |
imgX |
unit |
Place image X position |
imgY |
unit |
Placed image Y position |
imgWidth |
unit |
Placed image width |
imgHeight |
unit |
Place image height |
imgRotation |
number |
Place image rotation |
clipX |
unit |
Clip X |
clipY |
unit |
Clip Y |
clipWidth |
unit |
Clip width |
clipHeight |
unit |
Clip height |
minOutputResolution |
number |
If set to -1, the document's settings are used |
minResizePercentage |
number |
If set to -1, the document's settings are used |
maxResizePercentage |
number |
If set to -1, the document's settings are used |
displayQuality |
Image display quality (all "session_XXX" values are only stored for the current editing session) |
externalID |
string |
Placed asset ID |
dynamicAssetProviderID |
string |
dynamicAssetProviderData |
string |
externalDirID |
string |
External Directory ID (informational only) |
externalName |
string |
Placed asset name |
outputResolution |
number |
Calculated output resolution (for placedAssetType = "bitmap") |
hasFrameClippingPath |
bool |
Returns true if a frame clipping path is applied |
frameClippingPath |
Frame clipping path |
imageFlip |
Applied image flip type |
placedAssetType |
Placed asset type ("bitmap", "vector" or "unknown") |
transformationID |
string |
Applied image transformation ID |
manualFitConstraint |
Applied manual fit constraint |
requestWithCredentials |
bool |
Called from JavaScript using editor.ExecuteFunction("object_descriptor", "FUNCTION_NAME", args...)
Name |
Arguments |
Returns |
Description |
ClearContent |
Removes the currently applied asset from the Image Frame |
LoadContentFromXmlString |
Applies the selected asset to the Image Frame, by supplying the asset's definition XML |
Inherits from
Related content
All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.