Anchoring frames

Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security

Anchoring frames


Frame Anchors allow you to configure a Frame to be moved (or resized) as other content (frames, the Document Dimensions, ...) changes.

A very nice feature is to combine Anchors with a text-frames "Autogrow" feature. As the user types text, the source text frame will automatically adjust to the text size, and other frames can be moved around accordingly.

Anchored frames typically are not accessible to the end user. See Content Restrictions or Constraints for more information.

A frame's anchor settings can be found under the "Frame" tab:

Anchor targets

To get started, you need to specify what to anchor the frame to:

  • Another frame

  • The page (document) dimensions

  • A text

For both a frame or a text, you will first need to "tag" the target to identify it. This can be done in the "Frame Location" Panel (for frames) or the "Paragraph Settings" Panel (for texts):

Once tagged, the frame can be used as a target:

Remember to give your Frames unique Tags

Anchor Point

Next up, you can specify which point to anchor the frame to, including an offset (difference to the location) and minimum/maximum values

Anchoring opposing points to resize

To resize a frame, you can specify two anchors on opposing points.

Anchoring is related to object alignment.

Dynamic Layouts & Anchoring

See Dynamic Layouts for full documentation (specifically on the Anchoring topic)

New since Version 6

The information below on Dynamic Layouts is new since Version 6

Related pages

All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security