
Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security



Text resides in textframes.

Depending on the tool-cursor, you can click or doubleclick to edit the text in the frame. If you have the text-tool selected, a single click is enough.
When the arrow-tool is selected, you can double click to edit the content of the textframe.

Sometimes the Tab Ruler appears as in the image above. This is controlled from the Environment / View Preferences / Text

You can drag the I-beam across a word to select is, or double click on a word.

To select the entire text within a frame:
Cmd + A
Ctrl + A

With the text selected you can change the characteristics of the selected text.


Select a font. The available fonts could be restricted to the group the current user is logged in to.

Fonts are managed from the TEXT Tab in the Fonts Panel

The master fonts are controlled through the Back Office for the environment.
BackOffice/ Document / Fonts


If a selection of wieights are available for the font family you will be able to select them here.

eg Bold, Italic, Bold Italic etc.


Size measurements for text is in Points, regardless of View Preferences / General/ Measurement Units


Normal - No forced position will be applied
SupperScript - reduced font size with baseline shift applied, usually used for ordinals
SubScript - reduced font size but retains the default baseline


Normal - No forced styling will be applied
Title Case - Currently not available
Upper Case - All capitals
Lower Case - All lowercase


Click on the Color name to selct the colour.
The color will be displayed in the swatch.

Colors can be manipulated, edited, changed, deleted and added in the STYLES Tab/ Swatch


You can select a numeric value.100% = no leading, so descenders and ascenders will touch depending on font choice

Baseline Shift

to offset the text vertically you can apply a Baseline shift
All measurements are is in Points, regardless of View Preferences / General/ Measurement Units
a positive value moves the text up the page
a negative value moves the text down the page

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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security