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Autogrow and copyfitting
A textframe can adjust its size as more text is being added. On the opposite, it shrinks as text is being removed.
The autogrow feature makes sure that the frame is just the right size for the amount of text content, thus avoiding
overflow. To enable autogrow click on a textframe and click the Autogrow checkbox in the Text Frame Settings panel.
The Autogrow parameters are :
- Direction : direction in which the frame will grow.
- Increment : stepsize for each growth.
- Min, Max Size : frame will not become smaller or larger than these sizes.
- Restrict to page : frame will not grow larger than the page.
Example of autogrow:
Copy fitting
Copy fitting can be enabled on a text frame containing variables.
It scales text content down to fit all text in the frame or scales the text content up to fill up empty space in the text frame.
The more text is added, the smaller the size and, vice versa, less text means larger size.
To enable copyfitting go to Variable Data tab > Variable Tools panel and click "Apply Copyfitting".
Copy fitting parameters can be defined via Copy fitting Styles (Styles tab) or a custom setting can be defined on frame level.
Copyfitting using leading and tracking
New in version 6.x
This feature only is available from
CHILI publisher version 6.x
Copyfitting has new functionality giving more control over how dynamic content is fit into text frames. When template builders enable Apply Copyfitting, two new options are now available: Enable Leading and Enable Tracking. By specifying minimum values for either option, the template builder can control how close lines or characters can get when fitting content within a text frame.
NOTE: When specifying copyfitting parameters, if the minimum values set for leading or tracking are greater than the values set in the text frame itself, copyfitting based on either will be ignored.
Example of copyfitting with Max. Lines set to 3. When text exceeds 3 lines, copyfitting is no longer applied.
Example: Copy fitting across multiple non-linked frames
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