Information Classification: External Restricted.
List of available elements
Name |
Type |
Description |
ToolBarItem |
A toolbar item showing a button which will pop up the AboutPanel |
Panel |
A panel allowing you to provide some general information on the Editor (branded to your applications) |
Panel |
Input of Assets directly from an Alfresco DAM server |
Panel |
Management of available Alternate Layouts in the CHILI Document |
Panel |
Management of the settings of the selected Alternate Layout |
ToolBarItem |
Provides functionalities for Annotations |
Panel |
An overview of the annotations available in the Document |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Annotation |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Barcode Frame |
Panel |
Tree view of the Bookmarks in the Document |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Bookmark |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item providing options for the selected frame's border and fill settings |
Panel |
Panel providing the settings of the selected frame's border and fill |
Panel |
Settings applicable to characters/spans |
Panel |
Management of the Character Styles inside the document |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Character Style |
Panel |
Management of the Colors available in the Document |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Color |
ToolBarItem |
Pulldowns (or button bars) for creation of frames or annotations |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item providing copy/paste options |
ToolBarItem |
ToolBar Item allowing the user to switch the pointer (hand, multiple selection, text editing, ...) |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item providing the option to configure custom buttons |
Panel |
Selection of images from CHILI DAM |
Panel |
Settings for the DataSource applied to the document |
ToolBarItem |
ToolBar Item containing the standard document actions (Save, Save As, Revert, ...) |
Panel |
General settings for display of Annotations |
Panel |
Settings for the document's baseline grid |
Panel |
Settings for the constraints applied on the document |
Panel |
Panel which allows the document to be resized with preservation of frame locations according to a selected anchor |
Panel |
The Event Actions configured for the document |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Event Action |
Panel |
Settings for the display of links inside the document |
Panel |
General settings for the CHILI document |
Panel |
Link to an external asset repository, based on XML feeds |
Panel |
Link to XML feed describing available snippets |
Panel |
Link to the public images in Flickr |
ToolBarItem |
Various frame settings, mainly for use in the Inline Toolbars |
Panel |
List of fonts available in the Document |
Panel |
Settings of the selected font |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item which allows multiple frames to be selected |
Panel |
Anchors for the selected frame |
ToolBarItem |
Positioning and dimensions of the selected frame |
Panel |
Constraints applied to the selected frame |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Image Frame |
Panel |
General Settings for the selected Frame |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Snippet Frame |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Table Frame |
Panel |
Settings of the selected Text Frame |
Panel |
Link settings for the selected Frame |
Panel |
Settings for mobile output of the selected Frame |
Panel |
Input of special characters and breaks |
ToolBarItem |
Help Toolbar Item |
ToolBarItem |
General settings for the selected Image Frame |
Panel |
Overview of some metadata of the selected Image Frame |
Panel |
Ouptut of the CHILI Document to Images |
Panel |
Overview list of warnings encountered during import of the document |
ToolBarItem |
Allows selection of the Editor Language from within a ToolBar |
Panel |
Management of the layers in the document |
Panel |
Settings of the selected layer |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item showing the location of the mouse on the page |
ToolBarItem |
Output of the CHILI Document to PDF |
Panel |
Output of the CHILI Document to a CHILI Package |
Panel |
Management of the pages inside the document |
Panel |
Settings for the selected page |
Panel |
Settings applied on paragraphs |
Panel |
Bulllet list settings for a paragraph style |
Panel |
Management of the Paragraph Styles inside the document |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Paragraph Style |
ToolBarItem |
Options for editing of a Path |
ToolBarItem |
Options for the selected Path Point |
Panel |
Options for the selected Path Point |
Panel |
PDF Output |
Panel |
An overview of the assets placed in the Document |
ToolBarItem |
Overview of the preflight warnings in the document |
Panel |
Overview of the preflight warnings in the document |
Panel |
Settings for real-time preflighting in the document |
ToolBarItem |
Display of the time since the last save of the document |
ToolBarItem |
Search toolbar item |
Panel |
Search panel |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item for selection of the current page |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item for sharing of the document |
Panel |
Sharing options |
Panel |
Input of snippets from CHILI Document Management |
Panel |
Overview of some MetaData for the selected Snippet Frame |
ToolBarItem |
General settings for the selected Snippet Frame |
Panel |
Border and Fill options for a table item |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Table Cell |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Table Column |
Panel |
Settings for the selected Table Row |
Panel |
Settings for custom baseline grid of the selected Text Frame |
ToolBarItem |
General text options |
ToolBarItem |
Toolbar item alllowing for undo/redo actions to be performed |
Panel |
Management of the variables in the document |
ToolBarItem |
Various generally accessible ViewPreferences |
ToolBarItem |
Selection of the current WorkSpace |
Panel |
Wrap settings for the selected frame |
Panel |
Input of images from a Xinet Webnative Suite Server |
ToolBarItem |
Zoom options for the current document |
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.