CHILI publish converters

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CHILI publish converters


CHILI publisher is a document editor to allow end-users to interact with your document in a controlled (on-brand) way. CHILI publisher lives at the end of the workflow, starting from the Smart Template phase.

Concept > Design > Layout > (corporate) Approval > Smart Template > End-user interaction

You’ll need a way to convert your existing documents from your current (desktop) Document Editor into CHILI publisher.

Once in CHILI publisher, you can add Document Intelligence, brand guidelines and other rules to allow end-users to interact with your document.


To enable this conversion, CHILI publish offers several Extensions or Plugins for existing applications:

  • CHILI publish Converter (for Adobe InDesign)

  • CHILI publish Data Manager

  • CHILI publish Live Preflight

  • CHILI AI Converter (for Adobe Illustrator)


In the respective pages we’ll explain the conversion apps in detail.

You open a document in the Desktop Application, connect to the CHILI publisher instance, and convert the document to the environment you selected. Once the document is there, you can add your logic.

Due to the nature CHILI publish adds logic to your document, to become a Smart Template, it’s important to get the concept right.

One or two-way?

The question “Can I get my document back into InDesign or Illustrator” pops up in a lot of cases. The reasons vary. Maybe it’s for security, “I always need to be able to go back”, or “I need to add some things later”.

Returning to the “Why” statement, CHILI publisher likes to be at the end of the line. You prepare your design, make it smart, and then send it to output (print, digital, packaging, …).

If you add CHILI publisher logic to your document, not supported by the Desktop App, you’ll lose it when returning.

For Adobe Illustrator, we don’t support round-tripping.

But …

It’s not as black & white. E.g. the CHILI publisher Data Manager plugin (for InDesign) allows you to send and get back meta-data you put in the file.

But, it’s not possible to store Scripting data into a document, and get it back into your Desktop App.

We prefer one way, but there are situations where two-way will work.

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