Variable Settings panel:

General Settings

The name of a variable is the underlying code, used for tagging purposes throughout the document. An alternative display name can be entered, which is the label shown to the end user in the variable Input Form. It is not recommend to use special characters (example single quote ') in variable names since it can cause error on some webservice functions.You can use special characters in display names instead.

Visibility of a variable inside the Input form can be influenced in a number of ways:

New in 6.5 / 2021.1

For more information on display filters, see Conditional Interface Elements

When a Snippet is placed in a master document, it may also contain variables (which can be edited through a separate input form, based on the selected snippet). For some variables in the master document, you can check "Apply to snippets", which means that changes in the variable of the master document will also be pushed in any placed snippet. By default this is not enabled (as multiple snippets tend to be placed, with separate product or other information). Matching of the variables is done based on their name.

A variable's prefix and suffix will be added to the value entered by the user, before that value is inserted into a text frame. If no value is provided, the prefix and suffix also won't be included in the text frame.

User info for a variable is displayed either as a tooltip (default behavior), or as a label under the variable's input form item, if the matching checkbox has been checked by the administrator.

An individual variable can have any paragraph where it appears removed if it does not have a value (see ?Suppressing Lines for more options)

Data Types

Depending on the type of the variable, more "Type Specific" settings might be possible.

Short and Long Text

Short and long text allow you to limit the amount of characters (0 being an unlimited amount), and optionally show the status of that count inside the Input Form.

In either case, you can also specify the text direction (left to right, right to left, or inherited from the "Default text dir." configured for all variables).

For long text, you can also configure the height of the input form.

Formatted Text

Next to the height of the input form and the text direction (similar to long text), you can also specify which formatting options are available in the input form.


The basic selection option for an Image Variable is through a popup. These popups can be configured similarly to the normal CHILI Panels for the source, by clicking the "Popup Properties" button.

You can choose to show a preview of the selected image inside the Input Form, by checking the matching checkbox.

Additionally, you can allow the user to crop the image. For each reference of the image inside the document in an Image Frame where the positioning is set to "Manual", a "Crop" button will appear in the input form.

Images from the CHILI DAM can also be limited additionally to a specific directory, in which case the Popup Properties become unavailable (no popup will be shown), and are replaced with other options:


When working with a numeric input, various options are available to limit entry and configure the display value of the number in the document.


The underlying value of a checkbox is "true" (for checked), or anything else (by default almost always "false", unless the data type was modified) for unchecked. But if the checkbox also is referenced inside a Text Frame (rather than using document actions), you can also configure its checked and unchecked display values.




The date variable type can be configured with a display format (which is the way the date is inserted in a variable Text Frame), and allows you various ways to limit the selection:

Any date matching one of the limitation criteria will not be selectable in the Input Form.

Examples of display formatting for february 7, 2030

When only 2 digits are provided for the year, 1900 will be assumed

This only applies when reading from a datasource, where only 2 digits are available.

Using the date picker, 4 digits will reassure a correct year.

Supported formats

These formats are tested to work. Other formats or combinations might work also, but we guarantee these to work.

* Guaranteed to work on CHILI publisher Online and GraFx Publisher


A list variable can be configured to hold multiple list items, with the option to hide certain items based on values of other variables. The "value" of each list item is optional, and will be used (if present) when the selected item is inserted into a variable Text Frame.

You can choose to have an empty list item prepended to the items by checking the matching checkbox.

A list is presented to the user by default as a pulldown, but can also be visualized as a checkbox list with the "Allow multiple items to be selected" option. In that case, the display value will consist of the various selected items, concatenated using the Concat Prefix/Suffix settings.


A table variable is presented to the user as a data grid, with the configured columns.

When used in a variable Text frame, the value of a Table variable is inserted as tab-delimited text, and the tab settings for the paragraph where the variable is placed are used to position the various columns. If the "Include header" option is checked in the variable's settings, the display text will include the names of the columns as the first line.

Color, Paragraph Style, Character Style, Font

The choice of selectable items can be limited based on a filter on name.


For input of a measurement unit, you can constrain the user to optional minimum and maximum values.

Button Bar

Button bars can be configured to contain a set of buttons, each with an associated Document Action to be executed

Structured Text

A structured text variable can hold long text (behaves the same way) but can also contain tagged (structured) text.

This variable can then be mapped to a pre-defined mapping in the BackOffice, where you map tags to styles.


See Getting Started with Document Actions for an overview of possibilities of Document Actions. From the context of Variable Data, the following actions are possible. Note that for complex actions, it might make more sense to use Document Event Actions, which allow you to group logic for the entire set of defined variables.


This action is only available for variables of type "Calculated Field". The action is triggered by any change in value of any variable, and should use the "return" statement to return a new value for the variable (often by combining the values of other variables).

On Change

The most commonly used action. It is triggered by any change in the value of the current variable.


This action should return a string (eg: "return string NOT GOOD"), and it will display this string as a warning to the user (similar to the "required" checkbox, which shows a warning/error to the user if the variable's value is empty).


This action should return "true" or "false", and provides a fast way to influence the current variable's visibility in the Input Form. For more complex forms, the logic of showing/hiding variables can usually better be influenced in a centralized action (eg using a Document Event Action)


Both on the full Variable List and for individual variables, the "Notes" option allows administrators to document the configuration for future reference