Information Classification: External Restricted.

Using the documentation

You're on this page, and that's a good start!

The next step is to go to the next page, and read it. Repeat as needed.

If you can't find something you think should be included: feel free to report this either using the support system, or by adding a comment to a documentation page.


The documentation also allows you to perform complex searches.
Have a look here for more information


To keep up-to-date with the latest changes, you can of course register to email notifications.

You can 'watch' a documentation page or space. The system will then send you a notification by email whenever anyone updates the watched content.

You will receive email notifications for:

  • Edits.
  • Deletions.
  • Attachments, including new versions or deletions of an existing attachment.
  • Comments, including new comments, edits of existing comments or deletions of existing comments.

There is no daily digest for email notifications. You will receive an email notification every time someone makes a change.

Watch a space if you want to receive notifications of updates to any content in the space.

To start watching a space:

  1. Go to a page in the space and choose Browse > Advanced.
  2. In the left-hand panel, click Start watching this space (or Start watching all content).

To stop watching a space:

  1. Go to a page in the space and choose Browse > Advanced.
  2. In the left-hand panel, click Stop watching this space.

Managing Watches from your User Profile

The 'Watches' page in your user profile displays a list of all pages and spaces you are currently watching.

To manage your watches:

  1. Go to the 'Watches' view for your user profile, as follows:
    • Go to your name (the 'user' menu) at the top of the page and choose Watches.
  2. Click the envelope icon next any unwanted watches to turn them off.


The Favourites feature provides a convenient way to quickly access specific pages or spaces that interest you, as soon as you log in to the documentation. Pages and spaces that you have added to your list of favourites are easily accessible from your Dashboard and from within your user profile area.

All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.