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Custom Plugin creation

Building an installer

This document explains how to create your own flavor of the CHILI Publisher plugins. 

Only one installer is made for both DataManager as Preflight & Converter extensions.
During installation the end user can choose what extensions to install. 


Anything listed in here is required for the build to take place.



BitRock installBuilder

This is the software required for creating a packaged installer. 
(You can also choose any other install builder software, or develop your own.) 

Visit website

Signing extensions

Adobe Manual

A manual describing how to sign a package for usage within Adobe Software.

Read manual

Customizing an extension

A shorter version of how to modify and sign an extension

Read manual



A configuration XML used by BitRock for assembling the installer


Plugin sources

Provided with each release even if no changes had been made.

Download unsigned extensions

Provided with each release even if no changes had been made.

Provided with each release even if no changes had been made.


PNG extension is mandatory


Required image, used as an icon during installation.



Required image, used add the leftside during first steps throughout the installation menu.



Required image, used as a splash screen upon loading the installer.



#1 Prepare Build

First of all we are going to need a project folder.
Example: we used a folder named Beercompany.

Create additional sub directories and copy the build_installer.xml inhere too.

project_folder (Beercompany)

+ build
+ sources
+ images 

Tip use an easy and simple naming to reduce any possible mistakes when trying to build.

#2 Extension sources

Next up is signing the extensions found under Desktop_Tools_4 from the downloaded extensions.
How to sign an extension is described on this page: Customizing the Extension, or by using the manual from Adobe: Signing manual 

Once signed have them renamed as follows:

  • ChiliDataManager_CC.zxp

  • ChiliConverter_CC.zxp

  • ChiliLivePreflight_CC.zxp

Last copy these files towards the sources folder.

#3 Installer images 

The installer makes use of 3 images throughout the installation.

  • CHILI-installer-icon-48x48.png 

  • CHILI-installer-leftside-163x314.png

  • CHILI-installer-splash-336x148.png

The images can hold any content but dimensions and naming convention should be kept.
All images need to be saved in PNG format.

#4 Building installer tool

Last part is to assemble the installer.
For this step we are using a 3rd party tool called Bitrock installBuilder. The url can be found in the requirements section.
You can run this tool on either Windows or Mac OS, both have a slightly different command to execute.

On both operating systems you can build installers for either Mac or Windows.
In order to specify the target, windows or osx is used in the command.

//Create windows(Windows) installer builder-cli.exe build <project_path/build_installer.xml> windows --verbose `--setvars source_path=<project_path/sources> version=<version> project.outputDirectory=<project_path/builds>   //Create osx(Mac) installer builder-cli.exe build <project_path/build_installer.xml> osx --verbose `--setvars source_path=<project_path/sources> version=<version> project.outputDirectory=<project_path/builds>

Windows OS

  1. Open command prompt

  2. Browse via command towards the BitRock installation (replace "16.10.0" by the version number of your BitRock installation)

    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\BitRock InstallBuilder Professional 16.10.0\bin\"

  3. Launch build command with target  'windows' (replace "" by the version number of your CHILI installation)

    //builder-cli.exe build <project_path/build_installer.xml> windows --verbose --setvars source_path=<project_path/sources> version=<version> project.outputDirectory=<project_path/builds> //All paths are highlighted between <> and should be absolute. (eg.: builder-cli.exe build "C:\Users\CHILI Publish\Desktop\Beercompany\build_installer.xml" ...) //Example builder-cli.exe build "C:\Users\CHILI Publish\Desktop\Beercompany\build_installer.xml" windows --verbose --setvars source_path="C:\Users\CHILI Publish\Desktop\Beercompany\" version="" project.outputDirectory="C:\Users\CHILI Publish\Desktop\Beercompany\build"

Mac OS

  1. Open Terminal app

  2. Browse via command towards the BitRock installation (replace "15.1.0" by the version number of your BitRock installation)

  3. Launch build command with target 'windows' (replace "" by the version number of your CHILI installation)

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