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CHILI publish Converter customization

In some workflows, it can make sense to skin (or limit functionalities in) the InDesign Extension.

The source files to accomplish this can be found in the unsigned extensions package (download link on this page: CHILI Publisher custom plugin creation). The contained directory will need to be digitally signed after you make modifications in its configuration. For this you will need your own digital signature.

In the file, you will find 3 important files to update:

  • Assets\logo.png

  • CSXS\manifest.xml - general information for the InDesign Extension, for use by InDesign's Extension manager during installation

  • prefs.xml - CHILI specific configuration


If you want to install your own extension next to the standard CHILI extension (even just for testing purposes), you'll need to provide your own ID. Replace "chili.extension_package" and "chili.extension" with a unique value (globally) of your own.

There are two "extensions" installed. To remove one, you can remove the matching node ("DispatchInfoList/Extension"). To rename it in one of the menus, you can update the inner text of "DispatchInfoList/Extension/DispatchInfo/UI/Menu"


The prefs.xml file allows you to modify colors, enabled features, etc.

If you open it in notepad, you will find inline documentation on the configuration possibilities.

Signing the extension

After you've changed the configuration, you can use the Adobe UCF tool to digitally sign the modified Extension directory. For more information, see: Signing manual
An example of using the UCF tool, in which you can modify your own paths:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" \-jar "C:\ucf.jar" \-package \-storetype PKCS12 \-keystore c:\my_key.p12 "c:\output\CHILI Converter.zxp" \-C "C:\extension_directory" .

(note the "." at the end to include all files)


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