Information Classification: External Restricted.
List of available elements - TextToolBarBox
General text options
Name |
Type |
Description |
btnSelectAll |
Icon |
btnEditStory |
Button |
btnCheckSpelling |
Button |
textColor |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lstFont |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtFontSize |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
chkUnderline |
Icon |
chkStrikeThrough |
Icon |
lblTextPosition |
Label |
lstTextPosition |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lblParagraphStyle |
Label |
lstParagraphStyle |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lblCharacterStyle |
Label |
lstCharacterStyle |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lstAlign |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
btnIncreaseIndent |
Icon |
btnDecreaseIndent |
Icon |
btnShowGlyphs |
Icon |
Name |
Type |
Description |
allowParagraphStyle |
Property_Boolean |
allowCharacterStyle |
Property_Boolean |
allowSelectAll |
Property_Boolean |
allowStory |
Property_Boolean |
allowSpellCheck |
Property_Boolean |
allowFont |
Property_Boolean |
allowAdvancedFontStyle |
Property_Boolean |
allowFontSize |
Property_Boolean |
allowUnderline |
Property_Boolean |
allowStrikeThrough |
Property_Boolean |
allowUnderline |
Property_Boolean |
allowLineThrough |
Property_Boolean |
allowPosition |
Property_Boolean |
allowColor |
Property_Boolean |
allowAlign |
Property_Boolean |
allowListIndentation |
Property_Boolean |
allowGlyphs |
Property_Boolean |
showFont |
Property_Boolean |
allowAll |
Property_Boolean |
allowOnFrame |
Property_Boolean |
Related content
All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.