Information Classification: External Restricted.
List of available elements - ViewPrefsToolbar
Various generally accessible ViewPreferences
Name |
Type |
Description |
btnFullScreen |
Icon |
btnAdInfo |
Icon |
btnPaginationEditor |
Button |
btnHelpLayers |
Icon |
btnViewMode |
Icon |
btnBookView |
Icon |
btnFoldingView |
Icon |
btnRotateLeft |
Icon |
btnRotateRight |
Icon |
btnViewSource |
Icon |
lblDisplayQuality |
Label |
lstDisplayQuality |
EnumerationPicker |
chkSnap |
CheckBox |
chkSnapToGrid |
CheckBox |
btnThreeDModelView |
Icon |
Name |
Type |
Description |
allowFullScreen |
Property_Boolean |
allowHelpLayers |
Property_Boolean |
allowAdOverlays |
Property_Boolean |
allowPaginationEditor |
Property_Boolean |
allowViewMode |
Property_Boolean |
allowBookView |
Property_Boolean |
allowSourceView |
Property_Boolean |
allowPageRotation |
Property_Boolean |
allowDisplayQuality |
Property_Boolean |
Show the display quality pulldown |
allowSnap |
Property_Boolean |
allowSnapToGrid |
Property_Boolean |
allowFoldSetting |
Property_Boolean |
allowThreeDModel |
Property_Boolean |
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