Information Classification: External Restricted.
One of the document's colors
Unlike other lists, not every color is editable in the List panel. This depends on the isDocumentColor property, which is false for "custom" colors (defined for a single object)
Name |
Type |
Triggers |
Description |
r |
int |
RGB's Red component |
g |
int |
RGB's Green component |
b |
int |
The "b" part of an RGB color |
c |
int |
Cyan component for CMYK Colors |
m |
int |
Magenta component for CMYK Colors |
y |
int |
Yellow component for CMYK Colors |
k |
int |
Black component for CMYK Colors |
isDocumentColor |
bool |
Document Colors appear in the Color List, and are editable as swatches. |
applyToSnippets |
bool |
If true, any change in the value of the current Color is applied to colors with the same name in all placed snippets (if they are saved inline) |
pulldownFilter |
string |
Filter for the colors selectable in Variables |
pantoneName |
string |
Output name of the Spot Color |
pantoneTint |
number |
Tint (in %) of the color |
gradientLocation1 |
number |
Location (in %) of the first gradient color |
gradientLocation2 |
number |
Location (in %) of the second gradient color |
gradientAngle |
number |
Angle (in degrees) of the gradient |
gradientColor1 |
Gradient start color |
gradientColor2 |
Grandient end color |
type |
Color type |
pantoneType |
The output color space of the Spot color |
gradientType |
Gradient type |
editableInPopup |
Determines whether or not the color can be edited in the Color Picker popup. |
L |
int |
LAB's L Components |
A |
int |
LAB's A component |
B2 |
int |
LAB's B component (Don't mistake with "B", which applies to RGB) |
hexValue |
string |
Display hex value. This is set by the editor for display/information purposes. Setting this property has no effect |
mixedInkSpotComponents |
string |
mixedInkProcessComponents |
string |
Inherits from
> DocumentBase
> DocumentListItemBase
> DocumentListItemSelectableBase
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.