For clarity, we list a few of the -izations, and will refer to them as -ization. Regardless of your specific scenario.
The nuances are very subtle, and sometimes these concepts are interchangeable.
Allowing the end-user or automated process to enter personal information into a document.
Business card
Personal invitation
Personalized coupon
Allowing the end-user or automated process to change the document, so it’s customized for your campaign.
Choose a different package color
Choose a different sport / background for your packaging
Allowing an end-user or automated process to change your document with the intent to adapt it for a different region. This could encapsulate translation, but also use different brand pictures, color sets, …
Allowing an end-user or automated process to change the language of the text used in the document.
Use case: Customization - Output
Use case: Customazation - Return to INDD
Use case: