Information Classification: External Restricted.
List of available elements - BorderAndFillSettings
Panel providing the settings of the selected frame's border and fill
Name |
Type |
Description |
btnAssignShape |
Button |
chkBorder |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtBorderWeight |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
borderColor |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lstBorderStyle |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lstBorderJoin |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtMiterLimit |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtCornerRadius |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
chkBorderOverprint |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
chkFill |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
fillColor |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
chkFillOverprint |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
chkDropShadow |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtDropShadowOpacity |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
dropshadowColor |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtDropShadowX |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtDropShadowY |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtDropShadowBlur |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtOpacity |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
lstBlendMode |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtInsetLeft |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtInsetRight |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtInsetTop |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
txtInsetBottom |
DocumentObjectPropertyInput |
Name |
Type |
Description |
allowShape |
Property_Boolean |
allowBorder |
Property_Boolean |
allowFill |
Property_Boolean |
allowDropShadow |
Property_Boolean |
allowOpacity |
Property_Boolean |
allowBlendMode |
Property_Boolean |
allowInset |
Property_Boolean |
allowOverprint |
Property_Boolean |
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