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Switch Integration in CHILI publisher
Next to the Configurator, the integration with Switch also allows CHILI publisher customers to visualize Flows (and submit files to those flows) from within the CHILI publisher interface.
The External Systems>Switch Servers menu item provides access to the configuration which allows CHILI publisher to connect to a Switch Server:
When correctly configured, the flows of the Switch Server can be loaded, and visualized.
This includes the amount of files/folders inside the Element, as a quick view on the Flow’s status:
Each element (or connection) in the Flow can be selected, and its properties can be visualized.
In the following screenshot, the connection to the “LOGS” directory is selected:
If the selected Element is an input folder, files can be submitted directly to that folder.
The “Submit File” button prompts the user for a file, which is inserted into the folder:
If the selected element is a folder (holding jobs), the contained jobs can be visualized as well:
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