Information Classification: External Restricted.
Document Object Model - PreflightPreferences
The document's preflight preferences determine the real-time preflighting performed on the document as the user is working in it. Certain actions (such as saving or PDF generation) can be prevented when errors are found, or may require the user to sign of on warnings.
Name |
Type |
Triggers |
Description |
textOverflow |
Text overflow check |
imageOutputResolution |
Image output resolution checks |
imageResize |
Image resize rule |
requiredVariable |
Required variable checks |
frameOutsidePage |
Frame completely outside page |
preventSaveOnErrors |
bool |
Prevent user from saving if errors exist |
minOutputResolution |
number |
Minimum output resolution for Image frames. This value can also be applied in the frame's constraint settings |
minResizePercentage |
number |
Minimum resize percentage for Image frames. This value can also be applied in the frame's constraint settings |
maxResizePercentage |
number |
Maximum resize percentage for Image frames. This value can also be applied in the frame's constraint settings |
preventPdfGenerationOnErrors |
bool |
No PDF Genration allowed if errors exist |
showWarningsOnSave |
bool |
Show warnings (if they exist) before allowing to save |
imageOutputResolutionType |
Image Output Resolution only applied to assets of type... |
imageResizeType |
Image resize check only applied on assets of type... |
missingCharacter |
Missing character checks |
Inherits from
Related content
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