Information Classification: External Restricted.
Document Object Model - Frame
The basis implementation of a frame. Any Frame placed in a document will be of a type inheriting from the 'Frame' class (eg: RectangleFrame, TextFrame, BarcodeFrame, ...)
Name | Type | Triggers | Description |
frameConstraints |
| Frame constraints | |
linkSettings |
| Frame's link settings | |
alternateLayouts |
| Frame alternate layout inclusion settings | |
anchors |
| Frame anchors | |
layer | Frame's layer (if not cell or inline) | ||
x | unit | Frame X | |
y | unit | Frame Y | |
width | unit | Frame width | |
height | unit | Frame height | |
rotation | number | Frame rotation (from topleft corner, positive = clockwise) | |
opacity | number | Frame opacity (0 = fully transparent, 100 = fully opaque) | |
blendMode | Blend mode | ||
preserveAspectRatio | bool | Preserve aspect ratio during user resize events | |
aspectRatio | number | Frame Aspect Ratio is width / height | |
moveRegion | Frame's move region type | ||
moveRegionX | unit | Custom move region X | |
moveRegionX2 | unit | Custom move region X2 | |
moveRegionY2 | unit | Custom move region Y2 | |
moveRegionY | unit | Custom move region Y | |
minWidth | unit | Minimum frame width | |
maxWidth | unit | Maximum frame width | |
minHeight | unit | Minimum frame height | |
maxHeight | unit | Maximum frame height | |
hasBorder | bool | Draw a border on the current frame | |
borderWidth | number | Border width (points) | |
borderStyle | Border Style | ||
borderCaps | string | Border caps | |
borderJoin | Border Join Style | ||
borderMiterLimit | number | Border's miter limit | |
borderCornerRadius | unit | Corner radius for border | |
borderColor | Border color | ||
hasFill | bool | Frame has applied fill | |
fillColor | Fill color | ||
contentX | unit |
| Content X |
contentY | unit |
| Content Y |
contentBottom | unit |
| Content bottom |
contentRight | unit |
| Content rigt |
contentWidth | unit |
| Content width |
contentHeight | unit |
| Content height |
insetLeft | unit | Left inset | |
index | number | FrameIndexChanged | frame's index on top/bottom |
insetRight | unit | Right inset | |
insetTop | unit | Top inset | |
insetBottom | unit | Bottom inset | |
wrapText | bool | If true, the current frame "wraps" text of other TextFrames | |
wrapLeft | unit | Left wrap | |
wrapRight | unit | Right wrap | |
wrapTop | unit | Top wrap | |
wrapBottom | unit | Bottom wrap | |
rotatedBoundsPt | string |
| ";" separated list of coordinates (in pt) of the rotated bounds of the frame |
hasDropShadow | bool | Frame has a dropshadow | |
dropShadowOpacity | number | Dropshadow opacity (0 = fully transparent, 100 = fuly opaque) | |
dropShadowBlur | unit | Blur factor for dropshadow | |
dropShadowX | unit | Drop shadow Y offset | |
dropShadowY | unit | Drop shadow Y offset | |
dropShadowColor | Dropshadow color | ||
type |
| Frame type | |
includeInMobileStory | bool |
| If true (which is default), frames which apply (eg Text) will be included in story mode for mobile output |
mobileStoryIndex | int |
| Index (if applicable) for the frame in the mobile story output. Default = 0, so to place a frame before the default, use negative numbers |
frameContentConstraints |
| Frame content constraints | |
wrapType | Wrap type | ||
adjustBoundsToPath | bool |
| If true, the frame's bounds are updated as the path is modified |
borderOverprint | bool | Overprint border in PDF output | |
fillOverprint | bool | Overprint fill in PDF output | |
isInline | bool |
| Frame is an Inline Frame (in text) |
isCell | bool |
| Frame is a cell |
skewX | number | Frame Horizontal Skey | |
scaleX | number | Frame Horizontal Scale | |
scaleY | number | Frame Horizontal Scale |
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