Information Classification: External Restricted.
Document Object Model
Name |
Description |
A frame containing advertorial or editorial content |
The general Ad Settings for the Document |
An alternate layout for the document. This can contain different document dimensions, but also different positioning of frames. Certain elements (layers, pages, frames) can also be made dependant on the currently selected layout (and made invisible based on those conditions) |
An internal holder for properties which are dependant on the selected alternate layout (such as the document dimensions, frame positions, etc.) |
An internal holder for a property which is dependant on the selected alternate layout (such as the document dimensions, frame positions, etc.) |
The list of available alternate layouts in the document |
Properties for the visibility of an object depending on the selected AlternateLayout |
An annotation / Comment on one of the pages |
The document's annotations / comments |
A frame containing a barcode. This type of frame cannot be resized, as the dimensions are imported from the generated barcode. |
Settings for a baseline grid (either on the entire document, or on an individual frame) |
A bookmark in the document. Bookmarks can be used to navigate in the document (both in edit and book mode), but they can also be exported to PDF |
The list of the document's BookMarks |
A CharacterStyle contains a series of character settings which can be managed separately from the text in a document. CharacterStyles can be assigned to text, and changes to the style will reflect to all of the texts which have the CharacterStyle assigned |
The list of CharacterStyles in the document |
A frame containing only a circular border and fill |
One of the document's colors |
The document's color list. |
A placeholder object for common strings used in CHILI editor. These can be translated via the Languages Resource in the BackOffice. The object has no other purpose or functionalities. |
A custom button is represented by a button (or clickable icon) in the editor interface which executes a custom action |
The Document Action assigned to a Custom Button |
A list of Custom Buttons |
Settings for a DataSource inside the document |
The main Document object |
The DocumentAction class is inherited from the various locations where an action can be executed (eg: VariableValueAction, CustomButtonClickAction, ...). It allows a simple type of scripting on the document |
The basic object from which all Document classes inherit |
Constraints which apply to the document itself, rather than on its content. For constraints on content, Additional objects (eg FrameConstraints) are available |
A Document Action triggered by certain events inside the Document |
Action triggered when the variable's value is changed |
Document Actions triggered by Document Events |
List objects in the Document (e.g.: Colors, Pages, ...) |
A list item (Color, Page, ...) |
A font available for text editing in the document. The font is downloaded by the editor in a closed swf format, so it cannot be used by the user outside of the Editor environment. Compilation is done automatically by the CHILI server. |
The list of fonts available to the server for editing |
The basis implementation of a frame. Any Frame placed in a document will be of a type inheriting from the 'Frame' class (eg: RectangleFrame, TextFrame, BarcodeFrame, ...) |
A frame anchor allows a frame to be moved (or resized) with another object (depending on the targetType property) |
The list of frame anchors for a particular frame. |
Settings to determine the allowed actions on the frames of the parent object (document, page, layer, frame) |
Content Constraints applied to a selection of frames |
Preferences for the display of Frame Handles inside CHILI Editor |
The list of frames of a page |
General settings (for the entire document) to influence behaviour and look and feel of annotations in the document |
General settings (for the entire document) to influence behaviour and look and feel of links in the document |
A frame containing an asset (jpg, tif, pdf, ...) |
The relative position of a box within an image (mostly used for PDF crop/trim/... boxes) |
The list of boxes available for a placed asset |
A metadata name/value pair for a placed asset |
The list of metadata values available for a placed asset |
A warning generated by importing applications (such as the InDesign Extension) |
A list of the warnings generated during import of the CHILI document (if any), and associated information about the import |
A frame placed inside a running text |
The list of frames in a TextFrame |
A document Layer |
The document's Layers |
A frame containing a single line |
Link Settings as applied to frames or bookmarks |
A page in the document |
The document's page list |
A ParagraphStyle contains a series of character settings which can be managed separately from the text in a document. ParagraphStyle can be assigned to text, and changes to the style will reflect to all of the texts which have the ParagraphStyle assigned |
The settings for a Paragraph Style's background color |
The settings for a diagonal line drawn on top of the paragraphs with the current style |
Settings for bullets in a paragraph style |
Rule options for lines drawn above or below all lines in the associated paragraphs |
The list of available paragraph styles in the document |
A representation of a path, containing multiple points (line or bezier) |
A single path point (which can contain a bezier curve) |
A list of path points |
A list of paths |
The document's preflight preferences determine the real-time preflighting performed on the document as the user is working in it. Certain actions (such as saving or PDF generation) can be prevented when errors are found, or may require the user to sign of on warnings. |
A preflight result encountered as the user is working on the document |
The list of preflight results found in the document |
A range |
A frame containing a rectangular border and fill, without additional content |
A result of a search action |
A list of search results |
Section Options for a Page |
A frame containing a complex shape (with multiple points or bezier curves) |
A frame containing another CHILI document / snippet. |
Preferences for the behavior of Spell Checking |
Preferences for the display of texts in the Story Editor |
Border And Fill settings for an object inside a Table |
A cell in a table |
A list of table cells |
A column in a table |
A list of table rows |
A table frame |
A row in a table |
A list of table rows |
Various settings applicable to selected text or text styles |
A frame containing text. Text can be editable within the editor by the end user, or can be 'variable' (in which case content can only be edited by the administrators directly, or by using variables in the case of an end user). |
An automatically extracted text link (based on www, http, mailto, ... patterns) |
A list of links found in a text |
The current text selection in the Document |
Options for Text Underline settings |
A variable field. Many properties only apply to certain dataTypes |
Action triggered when the variable's value is changed |
A list item for a variable of dataType 'list' |
The list items for a variable of dataType 'list' |
The list of variables available in the document |
A variable table column |
A list of variable table columns |
The settings for a column in a variable of dataType 'table' |
The list of available columns in a variable of dataType 'table' |
A row in a variable |
A list of variable table rows |
The settings of a row in a variable of dataType 'table' |
The list of rows in a variable of dataType 'table' |
The table settings for a variable of dataType 'table' |
Action executed when a variable needs to be validated in the input form |
Action executed to calculate the value of a variable of dataType 'calculated_field' |
Action executed to determine whether or not the variable can be shown in the input form |
The document's ViewPreferences, which determine the way the user interacts with the editing portion of the document |
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