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Layers XML
XML Structure
Layers are a top-level resource within a document, containing a list of ?Document Object Model - Layer items:
<document> <layers> <item id="123-456-789" name="Layer1" visible="true" /> <item id="5845-59684-5" name="Layer2" visible="false" /> </layers> </document>
Layer items
The stacking order of layers in CHILI Editor's "Layer List" Panel is the reverse of the presence inside the XML. So: inside the XML, the bottom layer is present first, and the top layer is the last "item" node. Inside the Editor it is reversed to be more visually corresponding to other page layout tools (it makes more sense there to have the top layer on top). However, since the layer stacking does not influence individual frames (see ?Layers for more details), the main influence this has is that the "topmost" layer is selected by default (and will be the layer where, again by default, the editor will create new frames).
Default Content
If no layers are included in the XML, a single "New Layer" will be added by CHILI Editor
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