Panel: CHILI AI Converter

Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security

Panel: CHILI AI Converter





Connect once, and save your preset for future use.
This facilitates the connection in the future.


The url to your instance. Ask your CHILI publisher Administrator to provide it to you.

Will look like:

https://[your CHILI url]/CHILI/main.asmx

For CHILI publisher Online (SAAS)

https://[your CHILI url]/main.asmx


The exact name of the environment you’re referring to.

Ask your CHILI publisher Administrator to provide it to you.


User & Password

The user, defined in your instance, with sufficient privileges, to create a new file and upload assets during conversion.

Wu suggest to create a separate user in the CHILI backoffice for the CHILI AI converter to connect.


Shows whether you are connected or still need to connect

Export to CHILI publisher

Tab to set the parameters necessary to convert to CHILI publisher.


Pick the preset you previously saved, it will pre-fill the fields below.


You can convert the AI document to a CHILI publisher instance, or create a local CHILI package.

Documents folder

The location, on the destination, where you want to store the converted document. The browse button will give you the option to choose from a location on the server.

Your folder needs to be there, you cannot create a folder from withing the plugin.

Image folder

Similar to above, but points towards the folder where assets will be stored.

Check your image-license to be able to use the image in the online environment.

Font folder

The folder on the instance, where the used fonts will be stored.

Check your font-license to be able to use the fonts in the online environment.

Document name

The name for the file that will be created on your CHILI publisher instance


Because of differences in approach, not all elements will convert to expected elements in CHILI publisher.

The Preflight window will give you the warnings before you convert (if you click the “Preflight” button), or will provide the info during conversion.


This tab allows you to set the behaviour of the plugin.


Set the language of your plugin

Export to CHILI publisher

Whether you will overwrite the document or asset (images), when the name is the same.

Log file

You can create a local logfile that will store the conversion information.

Log Level

How much information do you want to store in the log file.

The higher the level (up to Debug) the more information will be stored.

  • Debug: Log all info / Your CS specialist will ask you to enable this

  • Verbose: Your CS specialist will ask you to enable this

  • Info: (default)

  • Warn: Will only store warnings and Errors

  • Error: Will only store Errors in the logfiles.


The current version of the plugin.

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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security