Image Conversion Profiles (version 2022 Onwards)

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Image Conversion Profiles (version 2022 Onwards)

With Image Conversion Profiles you can specify a profile by which images are to be transformed. They can be used to provide image output for documents and assets, used for:

  • Allowing developers to get various thumbnail / medium / high res previews of assets and/or documents, formatted in the best way to be embedded into a web portal

  • Generate image output of CHILI documents (as a separate output format, or for embedding in other output formats such as the mobile reader in design mode)

See Extracting Preview Images for an overview on how to call Image Conversion Profiles using the API.


Depending on the File Type you choose, you’ll see different options.

Settings for .jpg






Specify the name of the Profile.

File type

.jpg in this case


Scaling: None

By choosing this option the image will not be scaled and converted at full size.

Scaling: Exact (*)

The image will be scaled to fit inside (scaled proportionally centered) the exact dimensions specified for this options … px. The space left unfilled with the image will be filled with the specified Padding Color. The result will be an image with the exact dimensions specified in the setting Width x Height px.

Scaling: Fit Inside

By choosing this, the width and height of the image is reduced proportionally so that the image fits inside the given size. No background will be added and the final size of the image will be a proportional scaling of the original.

Scaling: Fit Outside

By choosing this, the width and height of the image is reduced proportionally so that the image fits outside the given size in px. No padding will be added and the final size of the image will be a proportional scaling of the original.

Padding Color (*)

The image canvas that was left blank by the image scaling will be filled with the specified color.

Only available when Scaling is set to Exact.

Width & Height

The size in Pixels of the output image.

For fit inside / outside, these are the dimensions where the image will fit into.

Not available when Scaling > None is selected

Output resolution

The image will be resampled to the specified ppi.

Jpeg quality

The image will be adjusted to the quality specified in this option.

Color profile (destination)

The image will be converted to the selected color profile.

Simulate Overprinting

Overprint is a concept in printing (click to view in WikiPedia).

When selected, elements that would overprint will show simulated in the image.

Processing URL

Will redirect to the specified URL while processing the image.

Error URL

Will redirect to the specified URL if an error occurred.

Since version 2022 the Transparent option for Padding Color has been removed for JPEG output. Existing Image Conversion Profiles that use transparent padding for JPEG output will use white as padding color instead. If you want transparent padding you have to use PNG output, where you can set the Background Color to Transparent.

Settings for .png






Specify the name of the Profile

File type

.png in this case


Scaling: None

By choosing this option the image will not be scaled and converted at full size.

Scaling: Exact

The image will be scaled to fit inside (scaled proportionally centered) the exact dimensions specified for this options … px. The space left unfilled with the image will be filled with the specified Padding Color. The result will be an image with the exact dimensions specified in the setting Width x Height px.

Scaling: Fit Inside

By choosing this, the width and height of the image is reduced proportionally so that the image fits inside the given size. No background will be added and the final size of the image will be a proportional scaling of the original.

Scaling: Fit Outside

By choosing this, the width and height of the image is reduced proportionally so that the image fits outside the given size in px. No padding will be added and the final size of the image will be a proportional scaling of the original.

Background Color

This color is used both for padding (when Scaling is set to Exact) and as background color for the transparent parts of the PNG image (for all Scaling settings). You can either set it to Transparent or to a specific RGB color, in case you want to replace the transparency by a color.

Width & Height

The size in Pixels of the output image.

For fit inside / outside, these are the dimensions where the image will fit into.

Output resolution

The image will be resampled to the specified ppi.

Color profile (destination)

The image will be converted to the selected ICC color profile.

Simulate Overprinting


Overprint is a concept in printing (click to view in WikiPedia).

When selected, elements that would overprint will show simulated in the image.

Processing URL

Will redirect to the specified URL while processing the image.

Error URL

Will redirect to the specified URL if an error occurred.

Overprint simulation

New since version 2022

You can generate images that simulate the effects of overprint in a PDF document, by enabling the Simulate Overprinting setting in the Image Conversion Profiles. Overprint can be applied to text or to a frame border or fill, but PDF assets can also contain overprint. With this feature enabled you can have a more reliable validation workflow, since the generated image will show you how the PDF document with overprint will look like when it is printed.

Example 1: The "WATER" text is set to overprint to compensate for misregistration on a press. If you look closely at the bottom image, you can see that the black text is darker when printed on top of the water.

Without overprint simulation

With overprint simulation

Example 2: The "spicy" text is set to overprint to create an effect of the background items showing through the text, as you can see on the bottom image.

Without overprint simulation

With overprint simulation

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