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Document Management
Document management consists of all document-related modules.
Documents are the actual files you and/or your customer can work on. They contain 1-page or multipage publications.
Since the documents reside on a server, fonts also need to be put on the server.
The workspace is the interface you are working in. You can organise the workspace in a way you like it, or how your customer would like it.
It is possible to show/hide almost every part of the interface / workspace.
When you manually re-arranged the workspace you can save this as a setting. These settings can be called later, or via the web-integration.
The viewpreferenses are a group of settings that declare how you will view the interface. E.g. you can set the document to be viewed as a plain document, but you can also set the document to be viewed as a pageflip.
These group of settings can be saved, and called via de web-integration or API.
Blank Doc. Templates
Document templates are settings saved to a server that define how a new document could look. For every kind of document you can make new settings.
E.g. you can have a setting for a 16 page brochure A4, or you can have a setting for a 4 page A5 brochure landscape.
These settings help you start faster when starting from scratch.
Document contstraints
Contains a list of pre-defined settings of how a document should behave concerning constraints.
E.g. with one setting you can constrain a document not to be able to delete frames.
PDF Export settings
A list of pre-defined settings that declare how a pdf is generated.
This settings can be called from the API and from within the editor.
E.g. one setting can hold bleed, another is for outputting a document without bleed.
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