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Just like document, fonts are organised in Libraries and Folders. You can organise these in the same way as other resources.
You can make as many folders / subfolders as you like.

Keep in mind to check your font supplier for the right license. Supported font types are .OTF and TTF.

Best results are generated with .otf fonts. They are consistent on PC / Mac / CHILI Publish

You can acces your environment fonts via Resources > Documents > Fonts.
You'll see an overview of the available fonts and for each font, you'll see a preview.

Double-clicking on a font will open the detail view, showing a bigger preview and all the info about the font-file.


Enabling additional fonts in a document can be done via the panel "Fonts" in the "Text" tab.
Simply clicking the + sign will allow you to browse the font library in the backoffice to select the font you want to add to the document.


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