Information Classification: External Restricted.
Image Transformations
Image tranformations are sets of predefined filters you can apply to images in your document.
E.g. you want to allow you end-user to upload or choose images for a document. But the image should always appear in sepia or black & white.
To accomodate this, you can define Image tranformations in the CHILI Backoffice.
These presets can later be applied in your document.
For the image transformations CHILI Publisher relies on functionality of ImageMagick. Not all custom commands are supported.
We advise you to explicitly verify added commands before offering them to end-users.
Especially when core properties of images are changed (e.g. dimensions, rotation, ...)
Where to define?
Look for the image transformations in the main navigation in Settings > Documents.
Below the list you can add, delete or copy presets.
Selecting an image transformation will display the detailed information.
In the detailed information you can set the name and actions to be taken for this preset.
You can define 1 or more filters for each preset.
In the "Test" pane, you can select an asset to verify the effect via the select button. The defined effect will be applied to the image when clicking on the Test button.
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