Accessing the 3D Model Viewer

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Accessing the 3D Model Viewer

Launching the 3D Folding Viewer from the editor

If a folding setting is linked to a document, you can launch the 3D folding viewer by pressing the “show folding view” button in the toolbar:


More information on how to configure 3D model settings and linking them to a document can be found /wiki/spaces/CPDOC/pages/1412449.
However, to be able to launch the 3D viewer, you must enable this feature. 3D models in CHILI is hardware accelerated. The Flashplayer needs to know hardware acceleration is required. By default this is not the case. To do this, all you need to do is add the following parameter to the editor URL: "enable3D=true".

The standalone 3D Model Viewer

At some point in your workflow you may want to display a 3D model document, without loading the editor. This is possible using the 3D model viewer. The CHILI webservice has a function to retrieve the URL of a 3D model viewer for a specific document.
This webservice function is called “DocumentGetThreeDModelViewerURL”.  This function takes 4 parameters:

  • apiKey: A valid API key
  • itemID : The document ID for which to return the Folding Viewer URL
  • threeDModelID : This is an optional parameter.  This parameter makes it possible to use a 3D model of your choice and apply it to the document. If not provided, the 3D model specified in the document is used.
  • modXML : This is also an optional parameter. This XML describes the modifications applied to the 3D model setting.

To access the standalone viewer in HTML use this call: DocumentGetHTMLThreeDModelViewerURL (the parameters stay the same).
It works exactly the same as DocumentGetThreeDModelViewerURL, but instead of returning the Flash based 3D viewer, you will get the URL of javascript/WebGL based 3D viewer.

Only on WebGL enabled devices/browsers !

Modifying a 3D model scheme

This is an example on how the xml structure should look like:

<item materialResourceName="MyMaterialName">
<prop name="resourceId" value="30ea8b02-059c-4b19-997d-cc3d4eaff114" />


The above example code will look for material "MyMaterialName" and have it's resourceId value updated with the provided value "30ea8b02-059c-4b19-997d-cc3d4eaff114".
Any of the materials can be replaced and also any property of the materials can be changed. 

Related pages

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