API Key Settings

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API Key Settings

The webservices contain a series of SetXXX functions, which always operate on the level of the current API key (which typically is requested by your portal based on a user session). The result of any of these calls is maintained on the server, and remains in use for all subsequent calls to the webservices (or embedded editor instances using that same apiKey):

Webservice Functions - SetWorkingEnvironment

If your api user account (the one used to generate the API key in Webservice Functions - GenerateApiKey) belongs to the top-level "Admin" environment, it can log in to any environment on the CHILI Server. The connection to a different environment is accomplished by calling the SetWorkingEnvironment function. All subsequent calls to the API (searching, browsing, adding, ...) will operate on the data of the new working environment.

Webservice Functions - SetAutomaticPreviewGeneration

When new items (documents, assets, ...) are created in CHILI, the system will (by default) automatically commence preview generation for a few of the most commonly used preview formats (in most cases full, thumb and file info). These tasks are passed on to the Background Queue with a low priority (6 and 7), so typically don't interfere with normal end-user requests. But in some high volume workflows, you might want to prevent even this small overhead. By disabling automatic preview generation, these tasks will no longer be initiated for any subsequent request made using the current api key.

When a user (or another process, such as low res PDF generation) does require the preview file, it will still be generated, of course.

Next to reducing overall load on the background processes, this call can also be used to alleviate the impact of specific steps in your workflow. A typical web2print workflow, for example, will:

  • Allow the user to select a "template", which is duplicated to an "order" document
  • In a next step (and potentially after the portal has still made some changes in the new document's XML) allow the user to edit this document 
  • In the next step show a preview image to the user (and gather final ordering information relevant to the portal)
  • Finally generate a high res PDF file of the order

In these steps, automatic preview generation is also triggered by the duplication of the template. This is typically something that can be switched off during the call to ResourceItemCopy, as the user will (in most cases) still save the document before going to the next step anyway.

Webservice Functions - SetAssetDirectories

Asset directories are maintained in a document, and allow your administrators to configure parts of the editor interface to behave differently depending on data supplied by the portal (the current user, document, user group, ...). In various locations, these asset directories can be referenced in the workspace as variables for Panel configuration (eg in the DAM Feed Panel or as part of External XML URL replacement)

Webservice Functions - SetWorkspaceAdministration

Often, the user account your portal will log in with, will have the ability to administer workspaces. If so, the SetWorkSpaceAdministration function can be used to disable this behavior in an embedded URL. This way, the end user logging in will get a limited interface, and limited privileges. See Influencing the behavior of the embedded Editor for more information on the difference user levels within the editor.

Webservice Functions - SetContentAdministration

Very similar to SetWorkSpaceAdministration, but applicable to content rather than WorkSpace features.

Webservice Functions - SetUserLanguage

Stores the (initial) interface language for the user's editing sessions

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