WorkSpace Settings

Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security

WorkSpace Settings


Workspaces define your working environment in the editor. Administrators can customize virtually all elements of the workspace.

For more information see also :

Accessing the Workspace settings

Main toolbar > Workspace button

Environment tab > Workspace settings panel

From version 3.0.1 the message displayed in a pop-up window after saving a document is now made translatable.

The pop-up window appears if a value is inserted in the field in the Workspace Settings. The translated value for this message will

be used if a translated value exists in the corresponding language file [Backoffice\Environments\Languages],

if a translated value doesn't exist in the language file the original message will be shown.

If the Doc Save Msg. is empty than the pop-up window will not appear after saving the document.

General Tab

  • Language sets the language of the editor
  • Icons sets the active icon set
  • Default Img. Source set the default image source 

  • Inline Toolbars shows or hides the inline toolbars


  • Inline Panels shows or hides the inline panels

  • Allow hiding of inline Elements function to hide the previous described inline elements in the top of the window.


  • Empty Menu Items For Admin
  • Space Key toggles Hand Cursor when the arrow pointer is selected, holding down the spacebar will show the hand cursor.
  • Animate Loading Icons will animate the loading of the icons
  • Loading Msg. specify the message you want to show during loading.
  • Doc. Save Msg specify the message you want to show after a document is saved. Leaving this field empty will hide the message window when a document is saved.
  • Double Click Edits specify what the standard behavior will be for the items listed below [Text, Path, Ctrl-click] when double clicking them.
    • Yes > Double clicking will edit
    • No > Double clicking will not edit
    • Administrators only > Double clicking will edit but only for administrators
    • End users only * > *Double clicking will edit but only for end users

Colors Tab

see also: WorkSpace Color Settings

Next to the used strings and icons, the CHILI Editor WorkSpace also allows for the modification of the color scheme used in the interface.

Some pre-configured color schemes are provided as starting points (as part of the CHILI application itself, and not configurable in themselves). After selecting a closest match, administrators can select new color values for the range of supported color types.

Shape Library Tab

see also: ShapesPath Editor

Via the shape library in the environment tab of the document you can organize your different shapes. The shape library is accessible throughout the document to assign shapes to text or image frames.
To add a shape to the library, select the path, in the document, that you want to add. Go to the Shape library in the environment tab and click on the button "Add selected path".

The shape library is available for the workspace, making it easy to share shapes across documents.

Lock Tab

The lock tab is maybe one of the most important tools in the creation of workspaces.
The three buttons can each lock respectively Tabs, Panels or Toolbars, thus resetting the entire workspace to a blank canvas for end users.
An administrator can then re-enable the items that need to be visible to the end users. This will save the administrator a lot of time in the setup of workspaces. [enabling what you need is often faster, then disabling what you don't need]


All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security