Content Restrictions or Constraints

Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security

Content Restrictions or Constraints


Built into the heart of CHILI Publisher is the concept of restricting (constraining) the interface and parts of the content of a document.
The interface restrictions are handled in another chapter.

Content restrictions apply to all elements on a page or document. This includes all frames on a page. For every frame restrictions can be set up.

The content restrictions are set up in a cascading way, going from the document to the layer, the page, and finally the most specific constraints can be set for frames. The lowest configured level (where the value is not "Inherit") is applied. The applied level is also visualized in the "Frame Constraints" Panel.

Consider using "Lock For End Users" as much as possible rather than the more general "Lock" setting. This allows you (as an administrator) to still make configuration changes while logging in through the BackOffice (or if your developers enabled it: even while visiting your own web2print portal). If you work like this, you can still continuously test your settings by using the "Simulate XXX" option in the WorkSpace Toolbar item (by default in the bottom toolbar)

Document level

On the document level the default setting for constraints are set to inherit from the Environment level.

The first set of parameters concerns the size of the document.

The first set of x pages, and the last set of y pages can also be locked.

The second half of the panel concerns the default constraints all frames will have. This default is set to all frames with the inherit value.
Individual frames can be overruled. (see below)

Possible values

The dropdown gives you the following options

  • Inherit: take the same value from the upper level (in this case the Environment settings)

  • Lock: locks the option for every user.

  • Lock for end users: locks this option only for end users. Document administrators will still have the option to change the value.

  • No: Does NOT lock this option.

Layer level

Next is the layer leven. You can set the same constraints on the objects in a layer.

Frame level

On the frame level the default settings inherit their values from the document level.

Frames can be restricted for these values:

The first restriction can be set where the frame is fixed in relation to the page. Locking the Left anchor allows resizing, but the left edge of the frame cannot be moved.
Also locking the right anchor will allow the frame to be resized up and down, but not widen the frame.
Next you can also lock the top and bottom edges. When all anchors are locked, the frame cannot be resized at all.

See Image Frames for more information on image specific constraints

The next 4 field apply to the minimum and maximum width and height of a document.

The move region have 5 options

Anywhere allows the frame to be positioned anywhere, even outside the page itself.

Page allows the frame to be positioned only within the page.

Page margins allows the frame to move withing the page margings.

Page bleed the frame can be moved outside the page, but withing the bleed region

Custom region With this selection, new options become visible. You can define a region where the frame can move within.

This custom region is defined with 4 coordinates. The upper left corner (X-Y) and the bottom right corner (X2-Y2).
Selecting the frame hilights the custom region, when this option applies. This gives the user visual feedback where the frame can be positioned.

In this example the frame is restricted within a custom region at the bottom of a regular A4 page.

Final set of constraints

The "Set all to:" drop down allows you to set all options below with one choice to the same value.

  • Lock Move Hor . sets the contraints for horizontal movement

  • Lock Move Ver. sets the restrictions for the veritcal movement

  • Lock resize sets the value for resizing the frame

  • Lock rotate set the value for allowing / disallowing rotating the frame

  • Lock delete sets the value for restrictions on deleting the frame

  • Lock content allows or locks the editing of the content of a frame

  • Lock frame settings sets the possibility of changing the frame settings

Environment Level Document Constraints

While configuring frame constraints does not take a lot of time, it can still be a burden if you have large amounts of documents to upload. It is also possible to configure rules for the constraints in the BackOffice. These rules can be applied (by your developers) whenever an end user opens a document through your portal. In the rules, you can configure (for example) some layers to be locked, and others to be open. See backoffice|display/docs3/Managing+Document+constraints\ documentation for details

Content Restrictions

In addition to Frame Constraints (which limit general settings of the frames), it is also possible to limit the configuration on a lower (content) level. You can limit the various colors, paragraph and character styles, font selection, and so on:


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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security