Paragraph- and Character styles

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Paragraph- and Character styles


Arial Regular 12 pt, black.

That might be the default, when you open your favourite text editor, or CHILI publisher.

If you don’t like “Arial Regular”, feel free to change the characteristics of your text.

Select your text, and change the look and feel.
E.g. Select the word “Spicy” and select the “Underline” button.

If you want to change the font, you can select another font.

So far, so good. If you need to make this change 100 times, the fun is gone.

That’s why we have Styles. A predefined set or characteristics, that can be applied to a part of the text.

CHILI publisher supports 3 types of styles

  • Paragraph Styles

  • Character Styles

  • Locally overruled settings


These 3 types of styles, follow a hierarchy.

Paragraph Styles > Character Styles > Locally overruled settings

1. Paragraph style

A basic setup would include you define a Paragraph Style. This style is applied for the text from start to the new-line character. “¶”

To know where these new-line characters are, you can click the Edit Story button. Select the “Show hidden characters”. The blue (double line) “P” designates the new-line character.

You can apply the style by clicking somewhere in the paragraph, and choosing the Paragraph Style. It will be applied to the whole paragraph, regardless of your selection.

2. Character styles

For Character styles, you need to select a portion of text. (full words, partial words, several words & spaces, …)

3. Locally overruled setting

Next to applying pre-define styles (paragraph- or character style), you cal select a portion of the text, an locally overrule the applied styles.

Overruling or Overriding

Overruling a style means that you replace the current applied settings with the new.

This can be done with another (character) style, or by changing the settings that are available in the text ruler.

How this ruler look, might differ from the settings you have applied


In the picture above, you see the default settings, and 2 defined styles.

Step 1: Apply style 1

Step 2: Apply Style 2 to a subset of characters / words

Behind the scenes, the styling is split in 3 parts. There is the first part with Style 1, a second part with Style 2, and a third part (again) with Style 1.

This means, that the middle part of tekst will be red, but will fall back to the default font and font-size.


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