Getting started with your JavaScript integration

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Getting started with your JavaScript integration


An editor that is embedded in your HTML pages can be interacted with using our JavaScript API. See Embedding an Editor in your own portals

There are many reasons a team would want to do this. Some examples are:

  • Updating variables on document load

  • Connecting to a custom widget

  • Building a partial or complete custom interface

  • Creating a “Save” button or an auto-save feature

Connection To CHILI publisher

You cannot communicate with the CHILI publisher directly due to the editor running in an iframe and browser security blocking JavaScript communication across iframes.

Therefore, if you want to utilize our JavaScript API across iframes you need to utilize our plugin: publisher-connector

You can install publisherInterface via npm


npm i @chili-publish/publisher-interface


or through yarn


yarn add @chili-publish/publisher-interface

Or you can use the version from unpkg.com in your <script/> tags:



Which one should I use?

If you utilize the NPM package, you will get all the benefits of TypeScript declaration files. However, you will need to use a module bundler like Webpack, Parcel, Rollup, etc. to package your JavaScript files for the web.

If you want to use this library in your integration without requiring a build phase, or you just want something simple, you can utilize the unpkg.com URL


Once you have decided, it is time to begin your integration. There are two steps:

  • Create an instance of the PublisherInterface

  • Listen to the event for the CHILI document to be fully rendered


Create an instance of the PublisherInterface

To create an instance of the publisherInterface, you will need to use the .build() method and pass in the iframe element.

Below is the code of a quite simple website where the iframe URL for CHILI publisher is already set.
