JavaScript Events
Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security
JavaScript Events
You can listen to events using this method .addListener()
If using PublisherConnector
The first parameter takes an event name (string) and a callback function to be called when the event is fired off.
await publisherConnector.addListener(
target => console.log("Frame moved with id " + target)
If using the editorObject in Actions or the console
window.OnEventListener = (event, target) => {
if (event == "FrameMovedFinished") {
console.log("Frame moved with id " + target)
See https://chilipublishdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPDOC/pages/1412202501/Editor+Events for a list of all available events
All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security