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User Groups
User groups are containers for holding collections of users. Each group can hold several users.
Each group has an own set of privileges. Privileges are the options / features of the software. Per group you can define the features a user has access to, when the user is member of this group.
In this example you can see the group "Prepress" has privileges set for Assets and Documents. (You can see that because the privileges are marked bold.
Privileges are grouped, and the specific actions appear on the right, after clicking on the group of privileges.
When one ore more actions in a privilege-group is selected the privilege group is set to bold.
Adding usergroups
In the list you can see the usergroups allready defined. When you start with a blank environment, there is always a group call "All".
You can make new groups by clicking the "Add" button below.
You will be prompted to give this new usergroup a name.
After creating this usergroup you can start selecting the privileges for this group.
Deleting usergroups
You can select a usergroup and clikcing the delete button.
This will remove the usergroup from the environment.
All users in this group loose their membership, and with that, also their privileges linked to the deleted usergroup.
They might have equal privileges in another group.
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.