
Information Classification: External Restricted.
See https://www.chili-publish.com/security



Users are individual persons granted access to the system.
Users are bound to the environment..

IMPORTANT NOTE: the users described here are CHILI users. They almost never correspond to actual end users, as they are part of the customer-facing portal.

Users set up in CHILI usually consist only of:

  • Global administrators
  • API users (used by your own application to communicate through the webservices)
  • Environment administrators, with access potentially to only some content in the BackOffice (eg: to add new assets)

Adding new users

Clicking the "add" button below adds a new user. You are prompted to give a name for this user.
After creating the user, you will be able to set all properties and usergroup-membership.



You can set a few properties for this user:

Name or login
Password the password the user needs to log in
Confirm password repeat the password to be sure
Email the e-mail address for this user.


One checkbox allows you to set this user as the Environment Administrator. An Environment Administrator has all privileges.

IMPORTANT NOTE: as users in CHILI are only administrators, the user rights system inside the BackOffice is limited to general items only. There is no security on content (eg: part of a resource such as Documents), only on global functionality.

If you want to add a "normal" user, you can set the membership for this user to one or more usergroups.
These usergroups hold privileges to use the application.

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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security