Information Classification: External Restricted.
Uploading files
Through the backoffice
You can upload files to the backoffice, in folders you created.
In the asset manager, you click the "Add new" button, and you choose a file from your local system or attached storage.
Clicking the "add" button will start the file upload.
When uploading a zip file, it will be unzipped on the server. This will create its content (including directory structure) in the specified location.
Multiple files at once
New in version 6.1 & 2020.01
From the file browser pop-up window, multiple assets can now be selected and uploaded together.
Direct access to assets
Not advised, use the API to automate this in a more controlled way!
Your system administrator can grant you access to the folder where assets are stored.
You can create folders and copy files to this location.
The CHILI Backoffice will recognize these folders, and create previews when you refresh the asset
The location depends on your installation.
Each installation has a "Data" directory.
In this "Data" directory you follow the path:
Environments/ environment_name/Resources/Assets/ Library_name/ subfolder/...
environmentment_name is the name of the environment you are working in.
Library_name is the Library (top level folder) in the asset management
subfolder is the folder you created in the Library (can be several subfolders deep)
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