Information Classification: External Restricted.
Environment Settings
The name for the environment: A descriptive name you can choose for your environment.
Login expiry: setting for the expiration of an API key, used to log in to CHILI either using the BackOffice/Editor, or using external API calls. This is a sliding expiry (meaning it is reset on every use of the API key). If no value ("0") is present for an individual environment, the login expiry from the Server Settings is used. See Logging in to the WebServices for more information.
On the top left of the menu you can set your logo.
You can use a different logo on a per environment basis. Behind the logo is a url that you can also set.
The Login text appears on the screen where you or your users should login.
The welcome text appears after logging in, and when no tabs are opened.
You can set the default units and editor language for this environment.
If you override the "About" panel information, all settings in the various WorkSpaces throughout the environment are ignored, and the global settings are used.
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