Information Classification: External Restricted.
Server Settings
New in Version 6
Server settings only visible for admins
Only for Admins
The server settings are only visible, if you are logged in as an Admin, and you are in the "Admin" environment.
Non admins and users outside of the Admin environment, will see this.
Logged in as admin?
In the Settings screen, you can set general information about the server.
Information about the server (used for production purposes, name, company/contact information) is purely used as display information, and has no impact on other logic)
The "Optimize for" setting allows you to choose whether the temporary files created during PDF generation or when creating previews are written to disk ("Optimize for disk") or kept in memory (RAM) ("Optimize for Memory") during processing.
The choice depends on your server setup and will be based on comparing disk I/O speed to the amount of RAM memory available on your server.
Server info
Allowed download locations:
Specify the trusted download locations on the CHILI publish server from which files can be downloaded.
This is needed if you specify a server location in the PDF export settings. (/wiki/spaces/CPDOC/pages/1412441)
Possible locations are:
- Full or absolute paths f.e. "C:\mydir\ (this will include all files available in the sub directories, f.e. "C:\mydir\subdir1\file.txt" or "C:\mydir\subdir1\subdir2\file.txt" )
- a network share: "\\MYSHARE\folder\" (this will include all sub directories)
Please be aware that:
- allowing a directory to be downloaded from will mean all files available in the sub directories of that location are also available, f.e. "C:\mydir\subdir1\file.txt" or "C:\mydir\subdir1\subdir2\file.txt" or "\\MYSHARE\folder\file.txt".
- paths need to be specified using a backslash ( \ ) to indicate sub directories
When no path has been specified only the "CHILI temp" folder is available for downloads.
Relative paths only work for files in this temp folder.
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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.