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Panel: CHILI Live Preflight 4
Adobe InDesign plugin that will show possible issues on conversion
When you have no issues, or an empty document, you will see no messages.
Checkbox: “Real time preflight” will trigger real time search for issues, and keeps the panel up to date.
If unchecked: Click the “Preflight document” button.
When you have elements that will not convert well to CHILI publisher, a message will appear in the panel.
Clicking on the line, will show details below
The message contains:
Type: Warning or error to check
Issue: A short description of the issue, click for details below the list
Page: Where the issue is located in the document
An arrow to bring you to the issue / frame.
A wrench to suggest a possible fix
Depending on the possible fix, the plugin will fix it for you.
E.g. Below we selected an unsupported frame border stroke type.
The solution suggested will convert the stroke to a solid stroke.
PS If you wish to keep the specific layout, you can bring these elements to a locked layer, and convert them as a placed PDF asset. This will retain the look and feel, but you’ll loose the edit-ability online.
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