Information Classification: External Restricted.
Install Adobe InDesign extensions
Plugin installation
Where to find?
Download from the releasenotes site
Clean up before you start
If you haven't cleaned up previously installed plugins, please follow the instructions above first.
There are 3 CHILI InDesign plugins compatible with Adobe InDesign that make up the CHILI InDesign Extension Family.
The CHILI Publish Converter, CHILI Publish Live Preflight and the CHILI Publish Data Manager.
Both installation and updating of the InDesign Extension is handled by our own installer *CHILI_Desktop_Tools-OS-installer*
The extensions are released together with the normal CHILI publisher releases.
You can find the extensions in the zipfile of the installer of CHILI publisher, in the extensions folder/DesktopTools 4 or via the link at the top of this page.
Simply double clicking the installer will initiate the installation of the CHILI Extensions in the right locations.
Hassle-free installation on a Mac
1) Fix privileges on your mac
When launching the installer without any prior actions, It is possible that the installation will not succeed because of read/write privileges for your current user.
To prevent these issues from happening, you should run the following command from your terminal:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Library/Application\ Support/Adobe |
You will then be prompted for your password.
This action will provide the correct rights to your user for performing the installation.
2) Launch the installer
Launch the installer from the downloaded files.
3) Go through the installation wizard
Just follow the steps of the installer and install the extensions you would like to install on your machine.
Uninstall of the plugin
A good installer also provides an uninstaller.
The uninstaller can be found at:
Mac OS
Windows OS
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