Information Classification: External Restricted.

Take a Frame snapshot

New in version 6.1 & 2020.01

The function name: GetFrameSnapshot 

The purpose of this function is to take a snapshot of a single frame. The function has 3 arguments:

  • frame identifier For example, "document.selectedFrame".

  • size (required) the size of the returned png. This can be set as image size in pixels (for example "1000x1500") or as a zoom level (for example "75").  If the size is set in pixels and the ratio is different from the page ratio, the image is scaled to fit entirely in the png and placed at (0,0) top left. The extra space at the bottom or at the right is filled with the background color. If a zoom percentage is given, the output size is automatically calculated using the document dimensions, assuming the resolution is 72 dpi.

  • transparency Accepts "true" and "false". If set to true, the snapshot will have the background of the same color as the page.


editor.GetFrameSnapshot([frame], [size], [transparent(yes/no)])

If you need more than 1 frame on the snapshot, please, use GetPageSnapshot function.

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