Information Classification: External Restricted.
General Frame XML
XML Structure
Frames can be used in various locations in a CHILI document. Undoubtedly the most iportant one is as the content of a page:
<document> <pages> <item id="123-456-789" marginLeft="10mm" marginTop="10mm" marginRight="10mm" marginBottom="50mm"> <sectionOptions newSection="true" pageStart="4" /> <frames> <item type="rectangle" x="10mm" y="10mm" width="50mm" height="20mm" /> </frames> </item> </pages> </document>
As described in ?General XML Concepts, an actual frame won't be an object of type ?Document Object Model - Frame (which describes the general settings only), but rather of an inheriting frame type (eg ?Document Object Model - ImageFrame).
Frame item node
Most frames share certain features, though. Do keep in mind that not all of these apply to all frame types (eg: a SnippetFrame does not support dropshadows. A LineFrame does not support fill, etc...).
Some of the important groups of properties are:
- x, y, width, height: general positioning, from the topleft of the page (without bleed/slug)
- rotation (in degrees, clockwise, calculated from the topleft corner)
- skewX (in degrees, clockwise, calculated from the topleft corner)
- insetLeft, insetRight, insetTop, insetBottom: for frames containing content (text, image, ...) these contain the insets for that content
Border, fill, effects
- hasBorder: if "true", the border settings are applied
- borderXXX: the various border settings
- hasFill: if "true", the frame has a fill
- fillXXX: the various fill settings
- opacity: percentage (default = 100, which is fully visible. 0 = fully transparent)
- hasDropShadow: if "true", the dropShadowXXX properties influence the dropshadow settings
- blendMode
Constraints and Visibility
- anchors
- layer
- alternateLayouts
- frameConstraints and frameContentConstraints
- moveRegion. If "custom", the moveRegionXXXX properties define the custom region
- minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight
- preserveAspectRatio
Text Wrap
- wrapText: if "true", the other wrapXXXX properties define the wrap settings
Related content
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