Information Classification: External Restricted.
License Verification Changes Coming February 26, 2024
On February 26, 2024, there are two significant changes that may affect your CHILI publish software:
Change of IP Address: Our licensing server's IP address will change to Please add this new IP to your security configurations if you currently use our old IP ( for firewall whitelisting. Post-change, the old IP will no longer be functional, potentially triggering a shift to "trial" mode in your CHILI server, affecting some features.
TLS Version Update: We are upgrading our security to support a minimum of TLS 1.2, discontinuing support for older versions. This is crucial if your CHILI server operates on Windows 2012 R2 or earlier, as these do not support TLS 1.2 by default.
Action Required
1. Check with your IT Team
Verify if your security setup restricts traffic based on our IP address.
Check if your CHILI server is on Windows 2012 R2 or older and verify that TSL 1.2 or 1.3 is not disabled.
2. Update Security Settings
If you verify that your security restricts traffic based on IP address, then please do the following:
Include the new IP address ( in your settings prior to the change. You need to maintain both IPs until the switch.
We recommend using domain names ( and for easier management.
3. Upgrade Your Windows Server
If you determine your CHILI publisher server is on an older version of windows, then please do the following:
For servers on Windows 2012 R2 or older, an upgrade is necessary. Windows 2012 R2 has reached the end of life in October 2023, but as a temporary solution Microsoft has patches available here: Microsoft Support Link. However, we cannot guarantee functionality with these patches, nor do we support Windows 2012 R2 or older systems.
These changes, involving our licensing server's IP address and TLS version upgrade, will take effect on February 26, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. Please contact us regarding queries, but keep in mind that we do not provide IT services; it will be up to your teams to verify and resolve any challenges related to the change in our IP address. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and for using CHILI publisher.
All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict.