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Live preflighting
CHILI Editor is often placed in the hands of end users without experience in graphical technicalities. To ensure that the documents they create are good for print, CHILI Editor allows for live preflighting of certain elements inside the document. The results of this preflight list can be used to prevent the user from ordering the document (or they can be stored inside your own workflow for future reference)
Preflight Settings
In the Document's Preflight Settings, you can configure not only how certain checks will behave, but also which thresholds should be used for them.
Preflight Settings panel:
Next to that, you can configure how CHILI editor will behave upon certain user actions (saving or PDF generation).
Preflight Results
While the user is working on the document, the preflight results will be updated in real time in two possible locations. First of all, there is a ToolBar item:
Clicking on the toolbar item's icon (either an error or warning) will open up the full results Panel, which can also be included in a tab:
API Access
The preflight results are also accessible through the CHILI API (either server-side or through JavaScript). So if custom actions (or display of the results) are needed, your developers can work that in as well.
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