Smart Crop

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Smart Crop

Available in CHILI publisher 6.2 & CHILI publisher 2020.2 (Subscription & Online only)

The challenge

Your design consists of images and graphics placed around that image.

Placed asset

Background Image

Layout with placed asset

Layout with places Background Image

If you make 1 add, a designer will go into the document, and move the image to focus on the main subject in the image. (a cyclist in this example)

Without intervention, the image would be in the center of the frame, the cyclist will be hidden and the layout would not work. (i.e. proportional fit)


Human intervention is necessary to adjust, and make the design look nice.


Imagine you now have several images (themes), and several output sizes to produce. 10 output sizes, times 3 layouts. That would mean 30 interventions for a designer.

Smart fit can automate this challenge, by allowing you to define the focus point & area of the asset (image).

Step 1: define the focus in your image(s): Subject Area & Point of Interest. This happens in the backoffice, or (if allowed) in the Image Panel in the editor.

Point or Interest editor, in the Backoffice

Point of Interest editor, in the Editor (if allowed by your workspace)

Step 2: Define the location in the image frame, where the focus should be (Subject Position). This is the area where the Subject Area and Point of Interest should fit.

Subject position, in the editor

CHILI publish smart fit will assist to find the best position for you.

Alternate layouts

This area can be defined per alternate layout, so the subject can be positioned in the most optimal location for each aspect ratio defined in the document. If the point of interest and/or the subject bounds are defined in the meta data of the asset, CHILI publisher will automatically produce the right crop of the source image.

Position of the Subject Area

The subject area is positioned, relative to the coordinates of the image frame.

In our first example, the subject area is located as a rectangle, relative to the Image frame.

x: 0.018 => The X position of the subject frame, is 1.8% of the width of the image frame.
If the image frame was set to be 600px wide, the X position of the subject area would be 600px x 1.8% = 10.8 px.

y: 0.03, relative to the height of the image

Height: 315px x 3% = 9.45px

Same goes for W(idth) and H(eight)

0.445 means, 44.5% of the width of the surrounding image frame.

Stored in the CHILI DAM

The information about the asset's point of interest and subject area that is stored in CHILI DAM can be accessed and updated via Rest API

True External Assets

If you have the metadata concerning the subject area or point of interest in your DAM, you can set it via the True External Asset XML of your integration.

The external assets feed must be modified to incorporate it in the following format:

<item id="23" name="ducks.png" fileName="ducks.png" remoteURL="<URL>" thumb="<URL>" highResPdfURL="<URL>" targetPath="extAssets" keepExternal="true" AccessibleFromClient="true" requestWithCredentials="false"  remoteModificationDate="21/10/2016" reuseExisting="false">     <fileInfo fileIndexed="2020-10-21T16:51:07" numPages="1" resolution="72.0089950561523" width="1587" height="1737" fileSize="1.45 Mb">         <metaData>             <item name="Width (px)" value="1587"/>             <item name="Height (px)" value="1737"/>             <item name="Resolution" value="72.009"/>         </metaData>         <subject x="0.423" y="0.0833" width="0.411" height="0.833"/>         <pointOfInterest x="0.65" y="0.233"/>     </fileInfo> </item>

Setting through the API

To retrieve the information use:

GET /rest-api/v1/resources/assets/{assetID}/subjectinfo

To update:

POST /rest-api/v1/resources/assets/{assetID}/subjectinfo

To remove:

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All information on this page must be treated as External Restricted, or more strict. https://www.chili-publish.com/security