Image Frames

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Image Frames

Image Frames

As for text, to have an image in a Chili document it needs a dedicated imageframe to be placed in.

Clicking an imageframe opens the Image Settings panel.

To insert an image into the frame, click the Assign Image button. Select a new image from either the document's assets or browse for a local file.

To remove an image, click the Clear Image button.


 Images can also be positioned based upon a clipping path available in the image. in the dropdown menu "Box" select clipping path instead of "Full".
The image will be positioned using the clipping paths dimensions. The selection is available in the "Image Settings" panel for an image that contains a clipping path.



Flips the image up, down, left or right.

Display Quality

Select one of the available display qualities.

  • Document Setting: display quality set from the tab Environment  > View Preferences > General > Display Quality

  • Session Only: quality setting is only used during the current working session.

Progressive previews can be set on View preferences for the entire document or on image frame level. If set on image level, you can choose an initial preview type that will be used first before the final display quality preview is used.


Fitting controls how the image fills the frame area.

  • Frame: frame and image are set to the original size, both resize with locked aspect ratio.

  • Stretch: image always fills to the frame borders, ignoring aspect ratio. (see Fit: Stretch for more details)

  • Proportional: image scales proportionally within the frame borders.

  • Manual: image scale, size, position & rotation are set using the input fields below the preview window. Frame can be resized independent of the image.

  • Proportional, Outside: same as Proportional, but the imagedata is allowed outside (and cropped by) the frame borders.

  • Smart Fit: Will fit the asset (image) with contextual data in the image frame.

  • Original Size: The frame will fit around the original image size.

Fit: Smart Fit

Available in CHILI publisher version 6.2 & 2020.2 (Subscription & Online only)

See Smart Fit for detailed description

Fit: Original size

Available in CHILI publisher version 6.1.x & 2020.01

When "Original size" is selected, the image frame will automatically resize to the size of the image. When the image is replaced within the frame, either by the user or by a variable, the frame will automatically fit to the size of the new image. This mode uses the frame's reference point and will grow or shrink from the designated point.


In case of Manual fitting mode, there are some new image related options in the Frame tab > Frame Constraints panel. (See Content Restrictions for more information on constraints) :

  • Manual fit constraint :

    • None : frame can be resized independent of the image

    • No whitespace : the image will always fill the entire frame, leaving no empty space or borders

  • Min. Resolution : minimum DPI value (overrides preflight settings) for PDF output

  • Allowed resize:

    • From : minimum allowed percentage of image scaling

    • To : maximum allowed percentage of image scaling

Images can however still be resized by the user [if the fit option is still set to manual] but only in such a way that the entire frame is always filled, using the lower right corner handles of the image preview in the IMAGE tab > Image Settings panel

Manual fit constraint set to None :

Manual fit constraint set to No whitespace :

Swapping image content

You can swap image content between frames with a drag'n'drop action.

To enable this feature do the following :


    • Go to ENVIRONMENT tab > View Preferences panel > Frame Handles pulldown

    • Enable checkbox Show swap-content handle

If enabled, image frames will get a new icon next to the frame selection (inside the page). 
This icon can be dropped over another image frame (similarly to dragging from a DAM Feed), resulting in a swap of the placed images.

Above : swap content enabled in the viewpreferences.

Above : the handle visible next to an image frame.

To use this handle, click on it and drag to another image frame until you see a green + icon and release the mousebutton.

Images will be swapped between the two frames.

Inline cropping

New since version 6.2 and 2020.2

In this version, a new inline crop mode was introduced, which does the opposite. When activated, the frame handles can be used to manipulate the frame size and/or location but keeping the image in place. 

Depending on your use case, or the skill level of the end user, one or both options can be enabled to allow inline image cropping.

Inline positioning

Inline cropping

Inline positioning

Inline cropping



To enable inline cropping mode, edit the inline image toolbar, in the workspace.




Positioning of the image within its frame.

Available only when Proportional or Proportional, Outside is selected.

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