Fit: Stretch

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Fit: Stretch

One of the fit-modes you can select, is “stretch”.

When stretch is selected, your image will fit the full image frame, even disregarding the aspect ratio.


New in version 6.2 and 2020.2

Since version 6.2 and 2020.2, you can now also select “Allow crop contents”.

This gives you the tools to crop the image within the frame, just as with manual fitting.

Step 1: Stretch the image to the size you want.

Beware, this could destroy the intended aspect ratio of the photographer or designer of the asset.

Intended proportions

Stretch allows to deform proportions

Step 2: Enable “Allow crop contents”.

Now you can reposition the image in the frame, in the panel, unless you have enabled “Allow Inline positioning” in the “view preferences”.


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